About tripathagā

Tripathaggaa LLC
ID: 0450489189
DUNS: 117580347
EIN: 851010470
FDA USA: 14194396858
SBE Certification Number: A0520-93
WBE Certification Number: A0520-92

Supreme Wisdom – Triple Way of Working for Tripathagaa

Inspiration: Reception of divine wisdom from higher consciousness (spiritual practices, meditation, sacred rituals).
Grounding: Application of wisdom in daily life (teaching, yoga, service, knowledge-sharing, practical tools for self-development).
Dissemination: Spreading the spiritual force globally (retreats, outreach, global service, evangelism).
This model aligns with Tripathagaa’s mission of continuous spiritual flow and transformation across realms, generations, and paths. It offers a way to apply the lofty concepts in real-world efforts, ensuring the wisdom reaches individuals and communities alike.

The “Supreme Wisdom Triple Way” represents the flow of divine wisdom across three realms:

Inspiration (Devaloka): The reception of divine knowledge from higher consciousness, symbolized by Ganga Mata’s descent from Maha Vishnu.
Grounding (Earth): The application of this wisdom in daily life, symbolized by Ganga resting in the Himalayas within Lord Shiva’s locks.
Dissemination (Ocean): The sharing of spiritual wisdom with the world, as Ganga flows into the ocean, representing the union with the collective consciousness.

Tripathagaa – these phases translate into inspiring spiritual growth, grounding wisdom in practical action, and spreading it globally, reflecting its mission of continuous spiritual transformation.